Salutare si bun venit in zona de Nord!
In randurille de mai jos, o sa-ti prezint un apartament cu totul si cu totul special!
Inainte de orice, doresc te invit pe alexandrucordea .ro/AC6539. Sunt sanse foarte mari ca pe site-ul unde vezi acest anunt, sa nu poti vedea intreaga galerie foto cat si toate detaliile proprietatii.
Sa revenim la ale noastre!
Esti o persoana care vrea tot ce-i mai bun pentru el si familia lui? O persoana care pune accent pe calitate? O persoana care-si masoara traiul in confort? Ai nimerit unde trebuie! Apartamentul acesta se va ridica la nivelul asteptarilor tale!
Vorbim de un apartament situat intr-unul dintre complexurile exclusiviste din Pipera si anume " Cartierul Liziera", situat stradal pe Bld. Pipera, nr. 166-168, vis-a-vis de padurea Tunari.
Un complex rezidential securizat, monitorizat video, unde doar locatarii au acces, pe baza de cartela, atat in parcarea subterana cat si in incinta blocurilor.
Curtea interioara a complexului, este intretinuta tot timpul, iarba taiata, curatenia este la ea acasa.
Zona este excelent deservita de institutii de invatamant, printre care putem enumera British School of Bucharest, Scoala Americana, Olga Gudynn International School, Mark Twain International School Junior Campus, Questfield School, Little London International Academy, toate la doar cateva minute distanta, pentru cumparaturile de zi cu zi, supermarketurile Billa, Lidl, Carrefour iti sunt aproape, iar Mega Image se afla chiar la intrarea in complex. Pentru impatimitii de shopping, Baneasa Shopping City, Promenada Mall, si Jolie Ville Shopping Centre sunt la cateva minute cu masina.
Apartamentul, ca trebuie sa-ti zic si de el: O splendoare!
Trei camere foarte generoase, in suprafata utila de 136 mp + terasa de 44 mp, amenajate cu bun gust, de proprietar, pentru proprietar. Nu a fost cumparat pentru a fi inchiriat, amenajarile fiind facute cu suflet si daruire pentru a-si satisface confortul dupa bunul plac.
Se afla la etajul 3 din 7, pozitionat ideal, Sud-Est, inconjurat de o terasa foarte generoasa, inchisa cu sticla retractabila si incalzita, transformata intr-un loc de relaxare si recreere dar si ideal de luat masa langa cel de-al 2-lea semineu. In apartament, exista o multitudine de locuri unde se poate amenaja un loc de luat masa, atat in bucatarie cat si in living sau pe terasa.
Este un apartament ideal pentru o familie cu copil, camera acestuia fiind deja amenajata, iar curtea ansamblului, te asteapta cu un loc de joaca special amenajat pentru acestia.
Nici adultii nu sunt privati de micile placeri, intreg apartamenul beneficiind de sistem de sonorizare profesional 5.1, totodata, in living existand semineu si bar, un loc unde iti poti intretine vizitele sociale alaturi de prieteni.
Atat mobilierul cat si toata aparatura din casa, este de foarte buna calitate, nefacandu-se rabat la nimic! Incalzirea este asigurata de centrala blocului, putand sa-ti reglezi temperatura pe timp de iarna, iar racirea printr-un aparat inverter multi-split Daikin.
Apartamentul are doua bai matrimoniale ( fiecare dormitor cu baie proprie) si un grup sanitar, menit sa deserveasca oaspetii. Pe langa terasa foarte generoasa si incapatoare, apartamentul dispune si de o camera tehnica, unde se afla masina de spalat, cat si spatiu de depozitare pentru diversele lucruri pe care le doresti stocate.
Este singurul apartament din intreg complexul, care are bucataria inchisa si ventilata separat.Mobila de bucatarie este recent schimbata, beneficiind de toata aparatura electrocasnica ( Combina frigorifica side by side, plita, cuptor, hota, cuptor cu microunde, masina de spalat vase).
Chiriasul va beneficia si de doua locuri de parcare in subteranul complexului, unul dublu pentru jeep si unul normal pentru turism.
Sunt sigur ca te-ai convins ca este apartamentul ideal pentru tine si familia ta, asa ca pune mana pe telefon si programeaza o vizionare!
Se doresc persoane serioase, pe termen lung, care vor sa transforme acest apartament in caminul lor, sa aibe grija de el la fel cum a avut si proprietarul!
Fotografiile sunt reale, din locatie, iar proprietatea este disponibila IMEDIAT.
Conditii contractuale:
1 luna avans + 1 luna garantie
Perioada: minim 2 ani.
Nu se doresc animale de companie!
Proprietatea este reprezentata exclusiv de RENET - Real Estate Network prin Alexandru Cordea, iar comisionul pentru chirias este 0.
Pipera Tunari, Iancu Nicolae, WorldClass Atlantis, Jollie Ville Shopping Centre, Baneasa Shopping Mall, Promenada Mall, IKEA, Metro, Billa, Lidl, Carrefour, Gradina Zoologica, Padurea Baneasa, Aviatiei, Floreasca, Nordului, Herastrau, Autostrada A3, Aeroportul Henri Coanda ( Otopeni ) etc.
Welcome to the North area!
In the rows below, I will present to you a completely different and very special apartment!!
First of all, I would like to invite you to alexandrucordea .ro/AC6539. It is very likely that on the site where you see this ad, you can not see the entire photo gallery as well as all the details of the property.
Let's continue...
Are you a person who wants the best for him and his family? A person who focuses on quality? A person who measures his / her living in comfort? You're in the right place!
This apartment will rise to your expectations!We speak of an apartment located in one of the exclusive complexes of Pipera, namely "Liziera neighborhood", located on the Pipera Bld. 166-168, vis-a-vis the Tunari forest.
A secure, monitored video residential complex, where only tenants have access based on the card, both in the underground car park and inside the blocks.
The inner courtyard of the complex is maintained all the time, the grass is cut on a regular basis, and the whole compound is very very clean.
The area is excellently served by educational institutions, including the British School of Bucharest, the American School, the Olga Gudynn International School, the Mark Twain International School Junior Campus, the Questfield School, Little London International Academy, all just minutes away. For everyday shopping, Billa, Lidl, Carrefour supermarkets are close to you, and Mega Image is right at the entrance to the complex. For shopping lovers, Baneasa Shopping City, Promenada Mall, and Jolie Ville Shopping Center are a few minutes away by car.
The apartment, I must tell you: A splendor!
Three very generous rooms, with a usable area of 136 sqm + 44 sqm terrace, tastefully furnished, by the owner, for the owner.
It was not bought for lease so the decorations were made with soul and dedication to satisfy his comfort as it pleased him.
It's located on the 3rd floor, ideally positioned, southeast, surrounded by a very generous terrace, enclosed with retractable and heated glass, transformed into a place of relaxation and recreation but also ideal for dining near the 2nd fireplace.
In the apartment, there are plenty of places where a dining space can be arranged, both in the kitchen and in the living room or on the terrace.
It is an ideal apartment for a family with a child, his room is already arranged, and the yard of the ensemble, awaits you with a playground specially arranged for them.
Even the adults are not deprived of small pleasures, the entire apartment benefits from 5.1 professional sound system, while in the living room there is another fireplace and a bar, a place where you can keep social visits with friends.
Both the furniture and all the appliances in the house are good quality.
The heating is provided by the central unit, allowing you to adjust your temperature during winter and cooling through a Daikin multi-split inverter.The apartment has two matrimonial baths (each bedroom with its own bathroom) and a bathroom, designed to serve guests. Besides the generous and spacious terrace, the apartment also has a technical room, where there is a washing machine and a storage room for the various things you want stored.It is the only apartment in the entire complex, which has its own closed and ventilated kitchen. The kitchen furniture is recently changed, benefiting from all appliances (Combined side-by-side refrigerator, hob, oven, hood, microwave, dishwasher).The tenant will also benefit from two parking spaces in the underground of the complex, a double for jeep and a normal one for tourism.
I'm sure you're convinced that this is the ideal apartment for you and your family, so get your hands on the phone and schedule a viewing!
We want serious, long-term people who want to turn this apartment into their home, take care of it as well as the owner!
The photos are real, from the location, and the property is available immediately.
Contractual agreements:
1 month advance + 1 month warranty
Period: minimum 2 years.
Agent commision: 0.
Pet's are NOT allowed!
The property is represented exclusively by RENET - Real Estate Network through Alexandru Cordea, and the tenant commission is 0.
Surroundings: Pipera Tunari, Iancu Nicolae, WorldClass Atlantis, Jolie Ville Shopping Center, Baneasa Shopping Mall, Promenade Mall, IKEA, Metro, Billa, Lidl, Carrefour, Zoological Garden, Baneasa Forest, Aviatiei, Floreasca, Nordului, Herastrau, Coanda (Otopeni), etc.