Bun venit in Nord!
Inainte de orice, doresc te invit pe alexandrucordea .ro/AC7661. Sunt sanse foarte mari ca pe site-ul unde vezi acest anunt, sa nu poti vedea intreaga galerie foto cat si toate detaliile proprietatii. ( Crede-ma, merita sa vezi fiecare fotografie si fiecare detaliu)!
Va invit sa descoperiti viziunea, ingeniozitatea, rafinamentul si bunul gust al unui proprietar ce-si doreste tot ce-i mai bun pentru locatarii lui!
In randurile de mai jos, va invit sa vizionati un apartament cu totul si cu totul special. Unic, elegant, special, cu o vedere splendida asupra parcului Bazilescu, un apartament ce face deliciul celor mai exigent chiriasi!
Zona de nord a Capitalei, pe str. Subcetate, vis-a-vis de parcul Bazilescu, la doar (si nu exagerez), 1 minut de statia de metrou Bazilescu si Blvd. Bucurestii Noi.
Bloc construit in anii '70, din beton si caramida, termo-izolat pe exterior ( cu tamplarie PVC noua, montata de proprietar).
Apartamentul a fost renovat de la 0, cu atentie la cel mai mic detaliu.
TOT ce aveti nevoie, se afla in apartament. Utilitatea si confortul sunt la ele acasa, iar calitatea lucrarilor este ireporsabila.
In descriere nu o sa vorbesc, punctual, de imbunatatiri sau amenajari, ci o sa va las sa le descoperiti din fotografii cat si la fata locului.
Apartamentul are doua grupuri sanitare, iar dormitorul mare a fost transformat in dormitor matrimonial.
Proprietatea este pozitionata intr-o locatie de maxim interes pentru toate persoanele care au afaceri in zona de Nord a Capitalei.
La capatul blocului aveti statia de metrou, la doar 200 de metri aveti piata 16 Februarie, parcul, doar traversati strada, scoala, magazine, restaurante si cam orice ti-ai putea dori, in proximitatea blocului.
Accesul catre locatie este facil si se poate realiza prin mai multe artere ( Jiului, Bucurestii Noi, Chitilei).
Pe scurt:
Un apartament complet, intr-o zona foarte buna te asteapta sa-i treci pragul !
Fotografiile sunt reale, din locatie!
Jiului, Pajura, Casa Presei Libere, Arcul de Triumf, Domenii, Expozitiei, Herastrau, Ion Mihalache, 1 Mai, Victoriei, Grivitei, Bucurestii Noi, Chitila, Piata Chibrit, Mogosoaia etc.
Proprietatea este reprezentata exclusiv de RENET - Real Estate Network prin Alexandru Cordea, iar comisionul pentru chirias este 0.
Conditii contractuale:
1 luna avans
1 luna garantie
Perioada contractuala minima: 2 ani.
Nu se accepta: Familie cu copii pana in 10 ani, animale de companie.
Persoanele straine, corpuri diplomatice, sunt incurajati sa sune!
Se doresc persoane serioase, solvabile, interesate de locuit pe termen lung!
Se ofera factura fiscala pentru chirie ( persoanele carora li se deconteaza chiria sunt bine-venite).
Apartamentul se poate inchiria cu toate cheltuielile incluse la 900 Euro/luna ( gaze, apa, lumina, incalzire, racire, intretinere, internet de mare viteza UPC, Televiziune - grila intreaga de programe, UPC).
Pentru orice detalii suplimentare cat si pentru a programa o vizionare, puneti mana pe telefon si programati o vizionare!
Welcome to the North!
First of all, I would like to invite you to alexandrucordea .ro/AC7661. Chances are that on the site where you see this ad, you won't see the entire photo gallery and all the details of the property. (Believe me, it is worth seeing every photo and every detail)!
I invite you to discover the vision, ingenuity, refinement and good taste of an owner who wants all the best for his tenants!
In the lines below, I invite you to view an apartment that has it all. And it's all special! Unique, elegant, with a view to die for overlooking Bazilescu park, an apartment that delights the most demanding tenants!
North area of the Capital, on Subcetate street, right across the street from Bazilescu Park, just (and I do not exaggerate), 1 minute from the Bazilescu subway station and Bucurestii Noi Blvd.
Building built in the 1970s, made out of concrete and brick, thermally insulated on the outside (with new PVC windows, mounted by the owner).
The apartment has been renovated from 0, with attention to the smallest detail.
ALL you need is in the apartment. The utility and comfort are in house, and the quality of the work is irreproachable.
In the description I will not talk, punctually, about improvements or arrangements, but I will let you discover them from photos as well as on the spot.
The property is positioned in a location of maximum interest for all persons having business in the North area of the Capital.
At the end of the block you have the subway station, just 200 meters you have the market, the park, just cross the street, shops, restaurants and just about anything you could want, in the proximity of the building.
Access to the location is easy and can be done through several arteries (Jiului, Bucurestii Noi, Chitilei).
All in all:
A complete apartment, in a very good area waiting for you to cross the threshold!
The photos are real, from the location!
Jiului, Pajura, Casa Presei Liberei, Arch of Triumph, Domains, Exhibition, Herastrau, Ion Mihalache, May 1, Victoriei, Grivitei, Bucurestii Noi, Chitila, Piata Chibrit, Mogosoaia etc.
The property is exclusively represented by RENET - Real Estate Network through Alexandru Cordea, and the commission for the tenant is 0.
Contractual agreements:
1 month in advance
1 month warranty
Minimum contract period: 2 years.
Not allowed: Family with children younger than 10 years, pets.
Foreigners, diplomats are encouraged to call!
We want serious, reliable people, interested in long-term housing!
Ttax invoice for the rent is offered (the persons to whom the rent is paid for are welcomed).
For any additional details and to schedule a viewing, put your hand on the phone and schedule a viewing!