Salutare si bun venit in Piata Romana!
Am deosebita placere sa va ofer spre inchiriere un superb apartament cu doua camere, aflat la prima inchiriere.
Proprietatea pe care vi-o prezint, se afla vis-a-vis de statia de metrou si coloanele din Piata Romana, in blocul cu BRD si Telekom la parter, cu acces direct din bulevard.
Pozitionat la etajul 7/9 cu vedere la bulevard, intr-o constructie 1965 ( fara risc seismic), in suprafata de 55 mp, apartamentul va face deliciul oricarui chirias. Este mobilat si utilat complet, modern, de proprietar, pentru proprietar.
Blocul are doua lifturi si este monitorizat video.
Zona este una premium, avand la dispozitie TOT ce ti-ai putea dori in proximitatea locatiei!
De la transport in comun, atat STB cat si Metrou, pana la magazine, restaurante, supermarketuri, parcuri, banci sau orice altceva la care te-ai putea gandi.
Se doresc chiriasi seriosi, solvabili, pentru termen lung!
Persoanele carora li se deconteaza chiria de catre angajator, sunt asteptate sa calce pragul apartamentului! Contractul se inregistreaza la autoritatile fiscale!
Proprietatea este disponibila imediat si va este oferita in reprezentare exclusiva de RENET The Real Estate Network prin Alexandru Cordea, iar comisionul pentru chirias este 0.
Vecinatati: Piata Romana, Ase, Universitate, Magheru, Iancu de Hunedoara, Piata Amzei, Calea Victoriei, Piata Victoriei, Dacia, Eminescu, Dorobantilor, Lascar Catargiu
Hello and welcome to the Romana Square!
I have the pleasure to offer you for rent a beautiful two-room ( one bedroom) apartment.
The property that I present to you, is right across the street of the subway station and the columns in Romana Square, in the block with BRD and Telekom on the ground floor, with direct access from the boulevard.
Positioned on the 7/9 floor overlooking the boulevard, in a 1965 building (without seismic risk), with an area of 55 square meters, the apartment will delight any tenant. The apartment is fully furnished and equipped, modern, by the owner for owner.
The block has two lifts and it has video surveillance .
The area is a premium one, having EVERYTHING you could want in the proximity of the location!
From public transportation, both STB and subway, to shops, restaurants, supermarkets, parks, banks or anything else you could think of.
We're looking for serious, solvable tenants for a long term lease!
The persons to whom the rent is paid by the employer, are more than welcomed, to walk the apartment's floors! The contract is registered with the tax authorities!
The property is available immediately and is offered to you exclusively by RENET The Real Estate Network through Alexandru Cordea, and the commission for the tenant is 0.
Neighborhoods: Romana Square, Ase University, Magheru, Iancu de Hunedoara, Amzei Square, Calea Victoriei (way), Victoriei Square, Dacia, Eminescu, Dorobantilor, Lascar Catargiu